Saturday, November 8, 2014

Re: Sanctity and Tradition – Where Are Things Heading, and Why Should We Care? A Response to R. Ysoscher Katz by Guest Contributor

Sanctity and Tradition – Where Are Things Heading, and Why Should We Care? A Response to R. Ysoscher Katz

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1 comment:

  1. Many of my talmidim, friends, and colleagues have attended YCT, are on its faculty, or are otherwise affiliated with the OO movement. While I was dissapointed with their choices, I understand the dynamic that caused it. The common denominator I see with them is an alienation from today's orthodox community. First, the constant narrowing of what constitutes Orthodox belief has resulted in an attitude of "well, I'm a kofer anyway because i believe the world is more than 5775 years old, so why not let girls wear tfilin?" Second, the corruption and scandal they see in the Orthodox community, especially what appears to be a tolerance of sexual abuse, leaves the, with a lack of confidence in the integrity of the system. Perhaps if we enlarge our tent to the size of the actual mesorah, and our leaders all demonstrate the courage of the CBD, there will be room for them to feel they belong. One who prohibits that which is permitted will ultimately permit that which is prohibited, or at least cause others to do so.
