Monday, June 2, 2014

Re: A Catholic Understanding of the NY Times vs. Rav Yaakov Perlow by Yaakov Menken

Any one surprised that these jesus loving Catholic fundamentalist nutters who believe that if you believe you are saved and have a nerotic obsession with heresy are the ones who agree and sympathize with perlows cause? I just believe that menky is to dimwitted to realize that being in hashkafik agreement with these guys is a pirchah on you not proof of your correctness


  1. Problem is we aren't Catholic and we don't have a Pope or a majesterium to tell us what to think (than G-d as the day Jews stop arguing & debating , is the day our religion dies), whatever certain 'Mitzvot than thou' sects think of themselves...

  2. Well as a Catholic he can appreciate the troubles of a leader of a group where child abuse and pedophilia by teachers and religious figures is rampant.
