Saturday, June 21, 2014

Re: Defining Deviancy Down by Yaakov Menken

the views expressed by this the cross crusader are so deliciously unnuanced and contrived to reach his forgone conclusion!
while the author stated the obvious about the kids complete lack of talent and him only getting his slot because of the kippah/dirty joke combo drawing alot of views, his second point about the interest that this has to so many people is precisely were menky misses the mark, the general public does not share the charidei rwmo/yeshievish "downward spiral of morality in america view" that is preached by this group while they see everything from kendeys hatdoffing and on-wards as degenerate deviant promiscuity, the genral orthdox who are in touch with the cultural realities of america see a shifting of socital norms that are simply diffrent but not nessicarly the root of all evil the point that this spectale brought home was that even those who still practce traditionl observance are able to acclimate to a different socital norm than what was preached in the 80's in usa 

1 comment:

  1. What came out of the page for me, was this one -

    "we understand why many Rabbonim push for more care and higher levels of tznius than were tolerated fifty years ago"

    How? Are we going to revert to Islamic dress for women?

    Why? If the dress level in the Orthodox community was acceptable 50 years ago in the age of miniskirts, what is wrong with that standard today? (mind you I've got pictures of my great grandmother dressed in 1920s apparel & that was considered scandalous at the time).

    Isn't there a case to argue that one can be beautiful and modest at the same time. One neither needs a mini-skirt nor a bin bag solution here.
